
Let's live

I've experienced the busiest week of my life this week. I'm not one to normally wish time away, but yesterday all I found myself looking forward to was next Monday. My apartment is in disarray, my finances are all kinds of jumbled, my clothes really need to see the washing machine, I need to accept some sub jobs and I really need to get my car drive-able! But tonight as I sit and reflect I know I am really going to miss this week next week. That's a funny sounding sentence, but I have been so utterly blessed this week while coincidentally this week have spent a good time feeling ashamed/rebuked/convicted. None of those are the right words to describe it... so really I have been feeling blessed and _____________. Inadequate? But even still, God has chosen ME to work and serve Him through my inadequacy. WHAT A PRIVILEGE!
I'm feeling renewed and revived and ready to simplify. I know this doesn't make sense to most, but right now I just feel good. I feel blessed and lucky and privileged and I can't wait to shake some things up. I seriously can't wait. I love my life. I love my husband so much. I love Friendswood Baptist Church... I am thrilled that God has given us life to live together!

Basically this post isn't saying much. Once I get my life re-organized (right now that is scheduled for Monday afternoon), I am planning on posting a more thought provoking post, maybe relaying some things I've been blessed with this week. But for now, I just want everyone to know how much I love them. I've really missed blogging and it feels good to just type right now. (I know that makes you happy, UG.)

One more quick thing -- I have the song Majesty stuck in my head... Specifically the line "Your Grace has found me just as I am, empty handed but alive in Your hands." I am so glad that God chooses to use us for His glory. I am literally nothing without him. Nothing but a speck, and I am glad for the purpose he has given me in life by placing me in his hands.


In Process said...

Love you, glad we're on this journey together.

GeneDaddy said...

Wow! You wrote something. Now, keep at it. No excuses!