
Thought Soup

I have to write something. I need to think. I need to think less, and get my thoughts out somewhere so they won't be swirling in my head so much and giving me a brain-ache. If I were to type out all of my thoughts, you all (if anyone reads this) would think I were a complete crazy person.

I can't even think straight enough to have a complete thought. I have one prevalent thought but I can't get it out. I don't need to have a public online blog -- I need to have a secret diary where i can REALLY write all the thoughts I have. I'm not this crazy.. it's just one of those days.


Sincerely, Holly said...

your genes serve you well in your scattered brain :-) Britt, I totally understand.

so I biblegateway'd thoughts, and take comfort dear one, David (the man I MOST relate to in scripture) struggled with this very thing.... see:

Psalm 13 & 55

love you. focus your thoughts on what pleases Christ. it's difficult I know, but it brings healing.

lacey strother said...

it runs deep within our veins this need to be crazy